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Indications of a Problematic Garage Door

11/04/2013 Back To Blog

Troubleshooting problems regarding the door in your garage should be taken care of as soon as you find that it failed to open and close properly or it emitted a squeaking sound at the slightest movement. Here are the top indications of a problematic door. When this happens, it is time to get in touch with our garage door repair company in Alpine.

When You Hear Squeaks

Poor lubrication is indicated by a squeaking sound. The most common problem resulting in a squeaking door usually involves dry garage door rollers or garage door bearings.

Slow Movement

Slow Movement may indicate a problem in your door. This should be fixed accordingly. When the door does not move smoothly, it usually indicated that the garage door springs have problems. It is very likely that the springs of your door have already made their course and will then need immediate replacement.

Does Not Close Properly

Whenever your door begins to close and forces to open again before closing completely, this frequently points to some barricade problems. Some object may have caused the barricade so that your door does not close completely. Some situations involve damaged cables and broken cable pulleys that need replacement as soon as possible.

Scraping Sound

The result of a worn out cable is actually the emission of a scraping sound. In some circumstance, this scraping sound is the consequence of an uneven or skewed reinforcement support. Proper diagnosis of the problem needs to be done, in order to identify whether there is a need to replace the worn garage door parts as required.

When you observe these obvious signs, be alert on the actual state of your door as early as possible. You should not wait until it would be too late for having the doors checked or the parts replaced.

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Blog | Indications of a Problematic Garage Door